Another summer is coming, predicted as one of the most difficult summer for power supply. Power needs of the industry and residences, and the fact that price of electricity is inversely proportional to the power supply capacity, all pushed consumers from worries for a summer of power shortages to the need to equip themselves with a separate power supply. from solar power, electric batteries to generator set.
Genset for residences
Summer 2010, generator market stirred by over-demand of generator sets. My friend, an "unemployed", thanked to quickly stock a lot of Chinese gensets with eye-catching design and quality, became “the money” just after the summer. Learning from last year experience, this year all the supplies are at the starting line from the beginning of summer, stock gensets from local brands such as Tig, Defense .. with prices from 5 to 8 million VND for small capacity 2.2 KVA, to the genset with brand-name and good quality as Elima, HT, HB, ETERNUS, Ec… with price from 11, 18 million or 23 million VND. Which one Consumers will choose? Playing a buyers and and making friend with a few professional engineers of some suppliers, I got some advice on techniques for choosing a suitable genset.
About genset origin, most of them are from China, some have Japan somehow, but are these elements and parts really from Japan or not? Only the importers can answer, other technical experts say “wait and see”! Logically, small genset from Japan will cost twice in comparision with Chinese genset. Sometimes, the buyer’s habit pushs the seller to that “must do” situation.
Genset quality: there are many brand-names in market, some mark Chinese genset and offer “Chinese price”, that means the buyers could not care much about quality and accept risks if any. These gensets’ design and outlook are copied from several Makers. Abtrary and saving in engine materials result in low reliability and accuracy – which lead to short life of genset. With alternator, they use wire with less copper, aluminum and more impurities, which result in low heat-resistance and flammable.
With higher cost from 9-16M, consumers could have a genset of HT, Eternus, HB, Kib with better quality. These gensets are powered by Honda, Mitsubishi, Yamaha, Per, Rob.. engines. No matter where they are assembled, China, Thailand, Malaysia or Vietnam, or even Japan, the quality is similar. Their alternator or other elements (like AVR) are good enough also. This is the segment for distributors who care about reputation and quality.
High-quality gensets ranging from 18-22M for 2,2kVA will give more secure for customers due to their appearance and accessories. Howerver, these gensets are from China also.
With the above criteria, the customers can somehow find their own a generator to cater for this lack-of-electricity season. No matter which genset you choose, we could be your consultant to answer and provide you the most belivable information on genset.